Dick Grayson
Dick Grayson, portrayed by Brenton Thwaines, also known as the vigilante Robin, is a detective for the Detroit PD.
In the TV series TITANS, Dick becomes entwined in a plot to use a girl overpowered by her powers, Rachel Roth, to bring about the apocalypse.
Check out the trailer to learn more about the series:
So if you want to dress like Dick Grayson in Titans, check out our complete guide:
Complete Dick Grayson Costume Guide
Brown Jacket
The brown jacket that Brenton Thwaines wears in Titans for his role as Dick Grayson is a M65 field type jacket in a brownish green color.
It is the All Saints Cote Jacket. If you find it to be too expensive, a good alternative is the Alpha Industries M-65 Jacket
The hoodie that Brenton Thwaines wears in Titans for his role as Dick Grayson under his field jacket is a reddish brown zip up hoodie.
It is the All Saints Brace Hoodie (notice the zipper pull). The exact color "oxblood marl" is discontinued but you might be able to find it on ebay.
The leather bag that Brenton Thwaines uses in Titans for his role as Dick Grayson is a brown leather duffle bag with two buckle straps over the zipper.
It's an I Medici bag but it's discontinued. However it seems the manufacturer still distributes the bag under another brand: the Alberto Belluci Duffel Bag.
Black Leather Blazer
The black leather blazer that Brenton Thwaines wears in Titans for his role as Dick Grayson has a nubuck finish and a smooth leather collar
It is the All Saints Survey Blazer.
Complete Robin Costume Guide
The costume that Brenton Thwaines wears in Titans for his role as Robin is obviously custom made.
But a pretty good replica has been made, check it out.
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