The Ghoul / Cooper Howard
Cooper Howard, more commonly known as, The Ghoul, portrayed by Walton Goggins in Fallout, is a previously famous Hollywood actor that mutated into a Ghoul and is now roaming the lands as a bounty hunter.
Checkout the trailer to learn more about it:
Complete The Ghoul / Cooper Howard Costume Guide in Fallout
The mask that Walton Goggins wears in Fallout for his role as The Ghoul is obviously custom made but you can easily make your own with the right supplies and it makes for a fun crafty weekend.
Check the video below for the tutorial
The hat that Walton Goggins wears in Fallout for his role as The Ghoul is a western cattleman hat in light brown.
The exact match has not been identified but this very close match is also an affordable alternative.
The coat that Walton Goggins wears in Fallout for his role as The Ghoul is a thick cotton trench coat/duster that was custom made.
Fortunately there's an outfitter that did a high quality replica.
Belt buckle
The belt buckle that Walton Goggins wears in Fallout for his role as The Ghoul is an ornate buckle with a scorpion in resin in the center.
The exact match is available on Amazon and it also glows in the dark.
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