The Punisher
Frank Castle is a ruthless vigilante known as "the Punisher". He appears in the tv show of the same name and in The Daredevil.
Check out the trailer to learn more about the show:
If you want to dress like Frank Castle in The Punisher, check out our complete guide below:
Season 1 Frank Castle Costume Guide
Season 1 The Punisher Costume Guide
Complete Frank Castle Costume Guide
(in The Punisher Season 1)
The sunglasses that Jon Bernthal wears in The Punisher for his role as Frank Castle are black rectangular sunglasses.
They are Maui Jim Big Wave sunglasses.

The jacket that Jon Bernthal wears in The Punisher for his role as Frank Castle is a black all-weather jacket with 2 chest pockets, storm flaps, and adjustable cuffs.
It is extremely similar to the 5.11 First Responder Jacket except it doesn't have the additional 2 vertical zippered pockets on the chest (probably a previous version of the same jacket).

The sweatshirt that Jon Bernthal wears in The Punisher for his role as Frank Castle is a blacked-out zip up hoodie.
Any black hoodie will do the trick for cosplay but it's better if the zipper is black too.
Frank also wears a black down vest on top of the hoodie, this one is a pretty close match.

The shoes that Jon Bernthal wears in Daredevil and The Punisher for his role as Frank Castle are black combat boots.
They are Bates Zero Mass 8 inches Boots.

Complete The Punisher Costume Guide
(in The Punisher Season 1)
Tactical vest
The second tactical vest that Jon Bernthal wears in Daredevil and The Punisher for his role as Frank Castle is a body armor vest with a painted skull on it.
A great replica is available on etsy.

The shoes that Jon Bernthal wears in The Punisher for his role as The Punisher are the same black combat boots he wears as Frank Castle.
They are Bates Zero Mass 8 inches Boots.

The knife that Jon Bernthal uses in The Punisher for his role as The Punisher is a black serrated combat knife.
It is the KABAR USMC Fighting Knife

Frank Castle Season 2 Costume Guide
The jacket that Jon Bernthal wears in The Punisher for his role as Frank Castle in the season 2 of The Punisher is a black cotton jacket with 2 chest pockets, and buttons in the middle.
It's the Dickies Sanded Duck Flex Mobility Coat.
Machine wash it a couple of times if you want to get the same worn-out effect.

The coat that Jon Bernthal wears for his role as Frank Castle in the season 2 of The Punisher is a black nylon coat with 4 pockets and silver buttons in the middle of the flaps.
It's the Carhartt Utility Coat.
You'll just have to unstitch the brand logo.

The shoes that Jon Bernthal wears for his role as Frank Castle in the season 2 of The Punisher are black combat boots made with a mix of nylon and leather.
They are Bates Code 6.2 8" Boots.

The knife that Jon Bernthal wears for his role as Frank Castle in the season 2 of The Punisher is a black serrated knife with a leather handle.
It's the Ka-Bar USMC Fighter Knife

Complete Frank Castle / The Punisher Costume Guide
(in Daredevil Season 2)
The jacket that Jon Bernthal wears in Daredevil and The Punisher for his role as Frank Castle is a military field cargo jacket.
It's the Brandit M-65 jacket.

Plate carrier
The tactical vest that Jon Bernthal wears in Daredevil and The Punisher for his role as Frank Castle is a black light weight molle plate carrier.
It's the 5.11 TacTec vest.
It is also the plate carrier that Billy Russo wears in The Punisher Season 1.


The shoes that Jon Bernthal wears in Daredevil for his role as Frank Castle are the same black combat boots he wears in The Punisher.
They are Bates Zero Mass 8 inches Boots.

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Did we make a mistake, a link needs to be updated, or just want to say hi ? Feel free to comment below 🙂
I would like to know the models of weapons that he has in the series please?
I would like to cosplay him for New Year’s Day
Thank you in advance 🙂
This should be super helpful:,_The_(2017_TV_Series)
As for the knife, I’ve just updated the post
Classic punisher load out is a m16a1 with m203 launcher attachment and twin colt 1911’s
Those sunglasses are clearly Ray Ban with polarized lenses. Not sure of the specific model but they’re not Maui Jim brand.
Costume DIY Guide
Hi Poop, you can see the “J” of the Maui Jim logo on the lenses
Sunglasses are definitely Maui Jim, Ray-Bans have different logo and even style. I have many Ray-Ban and none of them have logo like this.
That jacket is not Brandit, it’s Strellson Cross Jacket with branding taken off. I also have one so I can tell.
I’d like to know what knife sheath he used that strapped horizontal to the back of his pants
No pants? I wanna get in his pants!
What is the sweater he wore during the first episode while beating criminals with a sledgehammer? What shirts does he wear? What pants does he wear? What hats does he wear? A lot of this was really well done and I applaud the hard work.
The boots are Bates Code 6 btw. I took photos in the last episodes and you can see honeycomb design. That is the code 6 boot. Just sharing!
Costume DIY Guide
They are actually Bates Code 6.2 Boots. I updated the post. Thanks !
In the early episodes of The Punisher Season 1, he still wears the same Zero Mass boots from Daredevil. After he is recovering in Madani’s parents house, the boots she gives him are clearly the new Bates Code 6.2 (updated version of Code 6) 8 inch side zip boots.
Actually not true.
The bates code 6 he is wearing when he goes to find his friend in the woods, because the next episode when they hve to get the arrow out of his shoulder he is lying on the table for a small moment. U can see the bottom of his feet. And the heal design pattern is that of the code 6. So at some point before he ventured in the woods he changed boots
Well 6.2 or 6 they look similar with the same bottom. But I can’t find where to buy them anywhere got any ideas?
Actually not true he wears the code 6 with black plastic shiv in center instead of blue plastic shiv i have both pairs. But he wears them for most of season 1. The episode after gunther when he getting the wrrow taken out pause when he is lying at the table and can see the bottom of his boot clearly they are the new code 6 with black shiv hole in heel
VERY WELL DONE. Was wondering if you know what shirt be is wearing in the beginning of season 1 episode 5, it’s an olive drab button work shirt I guess but hard to find without logos as seen. Thank you. Got me the knife, sweater, and gonna get the boots and jacket still.
Hi, does anyone know what jacket he is wearing in the picture linked above? I
Costume DIY Guide
Hey Alex, it’s the Carhartt Utility Jacket. I updated the post, thanks !
I’ve started season two and was wondering if anyone know which hat this is:
Hope you can help me out 🙂
I need to know what brand and model Billy russo shoes are in Season 2 Episode 4, I’ve added link with screenshot of boot.
Costume DIY Guide
Hi, they aren’t boots, he’s wearing white socks and stepping on a pair of Adidas Adilette slippers
Hi Can you help me find this sweater? S2 E03
Costume DIY Guide
Hey, its the Baja Joe Eco-Friendly Hoodie, doesn’t seem like the same color is available though.
Can you tell me what leather jacket Bill’s wears durring season 2 ?
Matthew Anderson
I second this, would really like to know what Jacket Billy’s sporting in Season 2
What black henley does he have? Thanks!
Costume DIY Guide
Hi, that would be hard to tell… Do you have a picture ?
Curious if you know the sweatshirt he’s wearing throughout season 2. It appears to have a Heather texture and ribbed edges. Thanks.
How do I purchase the shearing jacket worn by Russo?
What about Frank’s black knit hat?? Is it just a knit hat or also a face mask? What brand?
Out of curiosity, are there screenshots to support the boots being the Code 6.2s in season 1 (or 2, since I don’t have any from season 2)? In the screenshots I have from season 1, the boots he wears in the second half of the season are clearly the Code 6s, including when Madani gives him back his boots at her parent’s house. You can see the honeycomb pattern all the way around, and see the blue section on the sole.
Hi, he wears both !
For this jacket does anyone know the exact one? I cannot find it anywhere. Not the 5.11 jacket
Wanna know about that horizontal knife sheath as well, that’s got me and a few other guys intrigued. Looks like it may be a good place realistically if it’s fast draw and out of the way enough. First time I’ve seen anything like that.
Do you know what coat/sweater John’s wearing in the Police station? Season 2 A3
Please Let me know! Would be great!
Tien Castle
What’s his jeans in Dardevil and Punisher, please ?
Anyone know what those casual button shirts he wears are? Like I’m season one the green one when he stacking the guns in the wall and in season two in the first episode? Please and thank you
Bonjour, il me semble que tout les éléments sont là !
Sauf son bonnet !
I’m still tracking down the hoodie he wears under the coats in season 1 and 2. So far I know it’s a 2-way zipper, and has the raglan style shoulder stitching. I’ve tried dozens of deep google searches with “2-way zipper” and “raglan sleeve” but nothing matches. It can be that exotic of a hoodie. I have a couple pretty clear pics of it if anyone can help, one has a tag on it before they cut it off for production but I cannot make out the brand.
Here’s few images of it
and the one with the tag still on it:
Anyone know a way to zoom in on that tag along the collar without making it blurred able to identify it?
Has anyone found or know which jacket Frank uses on episode 5 of season 1 “Gunner”, It would be awesome if I could find it
Levi jacket with 1 zipper over chest pocket and zipper collar i just bought one on amazon last year
Hello, do you please know what is this jacket that Billy wears in S1E13 ? In this video he wears that jacket.
What’s the black pouch attached to his belt? Is it a holster for his gun?